Got it!

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

we believe God wants you to know...
... that you are only as free as you imagine yourself to be.

There is nothing ''out there'' that's holding you down, - you are limiting yourself only with your own imagination. And your greatest limits are not even the ''cannot'' and the ''should not'', but the places where your imagination hasn't yet gone at all. There has never been a better time for you to open your eyes, let the imagination soar and see what more is possible.

Lightning Strikes

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that humans learn only by trial and error, and that includes you.

You've got to live life, not think about it. Step into the midst of things, try and fail and learn and stand up again. The question is not whether you will or will not make mistakes - you will. The question is do you want to learn and grow, or do you want to shrink back and be stuck? Take that step you've been avoiding. You can succeed, or you can get feedback that it didn't work, but in either case you are sure to feel alive.

Do I need a lightening strike? I must get my ass in gear-even messages from facebook know it!

Ok, I get it already

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that you cannot wait anymore.

The moment has finally come. You have no choice. You have to take that step now. Now. Not tomorrow, not in an hour, - Now! If anyone else is reading this, they would be confused. But not you. You know exactly what we mean. Do it. Now.

I can feel the hand of God...on my back, pushing me over the cliff.

Words of Wisdom

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

I hate how sappy I get sometimes...

God finds me on Facebook

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: , ,

got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that what you are most afraid of is where your greatest rewards are.

If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.

This thing is beginning to creep me out. Is it stalking me????

Fear of flying

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

I read that in a writing prompt today~fear of flying. And I think that is my diagnosis~I am afraid to fly

I hate (really Love) when this happens

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

got a message that on this day, God wants her to know...
... that doubt is the greatest gift, - it's the space between two certainties.

Any change on its way from one place of stability to the next one, passes through a period of doubt. Your old perspective has to disintegrate, and doubt comes in for a visit - even if only for a moment, before the new perspective takes root. Doubt is your greatest gift, because from doubt you can go anywhere.

From my Facebook app. How cool on the day i decide to stop doubting myself and go for it!


Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

My son and I are going to try doing Body for Life...YIKES!!! So much protein, very boring, but maybe that will help. He is a little overweight, maybe 20 lbs. It seems that he is surrounded by skinny boys and people telling him how much better he would be at his chosen sport if he only dropped a few pounds. SO I am going to eat better with him. Again...God I hate this merry go round! Why can't I go back 40 years or so and fix it? Oh well, wish me well.....

Could I??

Author: LibraryGirl62 / Labels: ,

A couple of friends are going to do a sprint triathlon in August~1/2 mile swim, 8 mile bike, 3.1 mile "run" ~can I do that? I have so much to lose and so little self esteem and I just don't know....but part of me really wants to try. Should I ? It really is tugging at my brain and my soul and my heart...I can hear yes you can, yes you can,yes you can....Should I listen?