Week 12

Author: LibraryGirl62 /

Down 23.8 pounds.
Walking 5Ks twice a week

Falling down...frequently
Getting back up...often
Pushing through anger and frustration...sometimes
Feeling good about myself...occasionally

I just keep going...

Easter Candy

Author: LibraryGirl62 /

Grapes are NOT peeps or Snickers eggs...just sayin'

week 2

Author: LibraryGirl62 /

Down 7.2 pounds!!!Yep..I feel it too!

I made the choice (and it is a choice) to do something about myself after I consumed 3 boxes of Little Debbie Cakes in 2 days. 

It was ridiculous and I was ashamed of myself. 

 Weight Watchers.  We shall see...